I always thought that quote was from Chairman Mao, but the internet is an amazing tool, so I can benefit from the researches of others. One clever bunny found the quote in a Teddy Roosevelt letter, and no other references. He conjectures that "The West African proverb" is like us saying "Confucius say" these days, so Teddy heard it somewhere and wanted to requote it and give it authenticity. It appears to have achieved "meme" status in the pre-meme world, so I just have to include this book cover as I am a fan on Beagles, and probably Peanuts too, although I was a bit on the young side. I did read several as a pre teen in French-speaking Belgium when rationed to one English book a month.
But the meaning is simple. If you are fortunate enough to have a decent stick, don't brandish it or scream with rage or whine with frustration. Just make sure that your point is understood and the listeners see what is in your hand and then wait for the penny to drop.
I think that was Luke's mistake when he confronted Jabba the Hutt. He definitely spoke softly but had no obvious stick. His claim to be a Jedi convinced no one - I'm sure noone in the audience believed him at the time either. As a result, he made a rescue mission much more dangerous than it needed to be, and perhaps even destroyed a potential resource for the rebellion. I am sure a supportive Hutt could make a userful distraction to an Empire fretting on the location of a rebel fleet.
Speak softly
The post prior to this titled "Waiting for a turn of EEDE" contains 8 references to one specific topic. The "2007 + 7 = Epic Fail" post has another 4 on the same topic. Both were posted in the month of September 2014. The agreement from the 22 July 2014 states that Paul and I are entitled to one post on Climate Change per month and one single reference to climate change in other blogs. So I kindly request that one of the posts "Waiting for a turn of EEDE" or "2007 + 7 = Epic Fail" be reduced to a single reference, or embargoed to 1 October 2014.
A Stick?
Honestly, I should be sending an EEDE turn, but I have a cunning plan that cannot fail, milord. I think I can knock this up in about an hour: an email tool that create an web post from a reference to another article and a start and an end point.
For example, suppose I type "Science News" into Google and I see "Algae evolves to keep up ...", I could send an email to [email protected]. Listening on this email would be a Web 2.0 script. It would first validate that the sender was a registered poster (we would not want spam appearing in the blog, now would we), it would then look for the terms
Start German Scientists
End we previously thought", he said.Link http://www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2014/09/15/4087744.htm
The script, written in Python of course would download the link, strip out everything before and after the "start" and "end" terms and email the body and images to the blog. This way we would avoid all the advertising and links but get some quality blogs on top topics. It would then be up to me to log on and fix the category. I believe I could effect 25 posts in an hour (a post every 4 minutes) using this tool. I have a bit of time on Wednesday night, so I plan to set a timer for 30 minutes and see if I can get 12+ posts done in that time.
I note that this article has only one reference to the topic that Paul reference 12 times in two articles this month. As a further note, I am pleased to see the dearth of Nazi references despite this month being devoted to Vladimir Putin and Lord Monckton.
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