Donna Wasson from News with Views has written an excellent article about President Obama's recent speech about "climate change". Here it is:
Captain Tee-Time, the usurping Occupant of the Oval Office has finally lost all touch with reality, and officially checked into la-la land. On Wednesday, May 20th, he appeared before the graduating class at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and proceeded to vomit the most delusional, psychotic drivel all over their pretty uniforms. He actually told them, with a straight face, that climate change is one of the most serious threats to America's national security.
Yes, you read that correctly. The former horror of an encroaching ice-age morphed into global warming which switched dresses and became 'Climate Change.' This is because the propagandists can't figure out if the planet is getting hotter or colder but, DANG IT, the temperature is changing, therefore we need to institute wealth re-distribution from rich nations to poor nations so we can all live in a communist utopia, and sing Kum-Ba-Yah forever and ever. Praise lucifer. Yeah, that's the ticket!
I'll admit that even the most conservative members of this country have to concede there IS such a thing as climate change. It's called the seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. Other than that, the planet is getting along just fine, thank you very much. Aside from our inability to keep from dumping oil into the ocean, and that whole Fukushima episode poisoning the Pacific, the global temperature fluctuates the way God designed it to thousands of years ago, and driving an SUV isn't going to change that.
Here is his quote. Try to contain your hysterical laughter until you've read it in its entirety.
"Climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security. Make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. So we need to act, and we need to act now. Denying it or refusing to deal with it endangers our national security. It undermines the readiness of our forces."
He also stated that avoiding the issue is a "dereliction of duty." And if anyone knows what a dereliction of duty is, it's Barack Obama.
The graduates need to get this straight: our national borders, which are wide open to every ISIS terrorist and Mexican drug cartel member on the planet, isn't the most pressing national security issue. The fact that we don't revoke the passports of people who've traveled to war-torn Middle Eastern countries to train in terror camps, isn't much of a concern either. Heck, we welcome them back with open arms!
The fact that the Occupant's administration is bursting with members of the Muslim Brotherhood isn't an issue. The deliberate purging of the most elite, most experienced, most highly decorated officers in every branch of our military isn't a national security issue because the "Commander-in-Chief" filled those positions with transsexuals, flaming sodomites and lesbians, so we're good to go there.
The fact that mentally unbalanced little troll in North Korea, Kim Jong-Nutjob, is boasting they have a miniaturized nuclear weapon that may be able to ride an intercontinental-ballistic missile to the shores of America, is no cause for sleepless nights either. No, the most serious national security issue facing the United States today is…'Climate Change.' Somebody cue 'Hail to the Chief.' Thank heavens the Occupant has America's best interest at heart. What an embarrassing putz he is!
How the entire class kept from cracking up at the Monty Python level absurdity of his speech is beyond me! It speaks well of their discipline and decorum. WHAT, pray tell, does he expect the military to do about climate change anyway?! Shoot it? Lob a missile at it? Drive electric tanks?
Good on Donna. The only way to treat this rubbish is as comedy, because there is no scientific basis for it. To put the climate data at its ABSOLUTE HIGHEST, there is only a case to investigate something, there is certainly no case to radically change the entire global world economy and social structures.
1) There hasn't been any global warming since 1997: This year, in 2015, we're going to have kids who graduate from high school who will have never seen any "global warming" during over 18 years. As I have posted previously, this isn't a controversial assertion either. Even the former Director of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, Phil Jones, admits that it's true. Since the planet was cooling from 1940-1975 and the upswing in temperature afterward only lasted 23 years, a 17 year pause is a big deal. It also begs an obvious question: How can we be experiencing global warming if there's no actual "global warming?"
2) There is no scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and caused by man: Questions are not decided by "consensus." In fact, many scientific theories that were once widely believed to be true were made irrelevant by new evidence. Just to name one of many, many examples, in the early seventies, scientists believed global cooling was occurring. However, once the planet started to warm up, they changed their minds. Yet, the primary "scientific" argument for global warming is that there is a "scientific consensus" that it's occurring. Setting aside the fact that's not a scientific argument, even if that ever was true (and it really wasn't), it's certainly not true anymore. Over 31,000 scientists have signed on to a petition saying humans aren't causing global warming. More than 1000 scientists signed on to another report saying there is no global warming at all. There are tens of thousands of well-educated, mainstream scientists who do not agree that global warming is occurring at all and people who share their opinion are taking a position grounded in science.
3) Climate models showing global warming have been wrong over and over: These future projections of what global warming will do to the planet have been based on climate models. Essentially, scientists make assumptions about how much of an impact different factors will have; they guess how much of a change there will be and then they project changes over time. Unfortunately, almost all of these models showing huge temperature gains have turned out to be wrong.
Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer says that climate models used by government agencies to create policies “have failed miserably.” Spencer analyzed 90 climate models against surface temperature and satellite temperature data, and found that more than 95 percent of the models “have over-forecast the warming trend since 1979, whether we use their own surface temperature dataset (HadCRUT4), or our satellite dataset of lower tropospheric temperatures (UAH).”
There's an old saying in programming that goes, "Garbage in, garbage out." In other words, if the assumptions and data you put into the models are faulty, then the results will be worthless. If the climate models that show a dire impact because of global warming aren't reliable -- and they're not -- then the long term projections they make are meaningless.
4) Predictions about the impact of global warming have already been proven wrong: The debate over global warming has been going on long enough that we've had time to see whether some of the predictions people made about it have panned out in the real world. For example, Al Gore predicted all the Arctic ice would be gone by 2013. This has not happened at all. James Hansen of NASA fame predicted that the West Side Highway in New York would be under water by now because of global warming. It isn't.
If the climate models and the predictions about global warming aren't even close to being correct, wouldn't it be more scientific to reject hasty action based on faulty data so that we can further study the issue and find out what's really going on?
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