As a lawyer I hate unanswered questions, especially when an event is used to justify dramatic actions. I will never give blind obedience to the "state", and especially to wars and attacks on individual liberty, without asking a lot of questions. And if the questions are not answered, I will be suspicious.
There are so many questions about 11 September 2001 that it is ridiculous. To identify only a small number of questions:
[1] WHY was the debris from the Pentagon and the World Trade Center destroyed immediately after 9-11? Normally forensic teams examine all evidence from a crime scene. Yet the steel from the collapsed WTC was immediately shipped to Korea and China, where it was melted down within days. That steel would've indicated whether the buildings collapsed due to fire, something that has never happened and that would mandate drastic redesign of tall buildings. That steel also would've told the tale if the buildings had collapsed, instead, due to another cause – like an explosive demolition. It was the same at the Pentagon: the surprisingly small amount of debris was swiftly whisked away to an undisclosed location. WHY does an horrendous mass murder get a less thorough investigation than an ordinary murder? WHY does one of the biggest crimes of the century not involve preservation of evidence like an ordinary crime?
[2] WHY did the towers collapse? No steel skyscraper had ever collapsed because of fire. Repeat: In the 100 year history of steel skyscrapers, none had ever collapsed because of fire. The steel used in skyscrapers doesn't melt at temperatures that fire can attain when burning in open air. Jet fuel is essentially refined kerosene, which burns at around 700 C in optimal, perfectly-aerated conditions. Even if the fires did get this hot, it's not nearly hot enough to melt (or even significantly weaken) structural steel, which melts around 1,535 C. Also, given the shocking speed and neatness with which both towers fell, and the seismic evidence of small earthquakes moments before they fell, and the fact the buildings were pulverized instead of falling in chunks, it appears that the towers actually fell due to a controlled demolition rather than fire. WHY do some photographs appear to show a row of 'smoke' clouds from cutter charges in a row around the building taking out the support columns for an entire floor? The upper unsupported section then hammers the tower to the ground. WHY is the unsettling possibility of a controlled demolition dismissed out of hand and without proper enquiry? WHY have members of the FDNY (Fire Department of New York) provided oral testimonies shortly after 9/11 in which one fourth of them testified to having witnessed explosions in the Twin Towers?
[3] WHY did WTC 7 collapse? Don't forget about this building. Yet another steel skyscraper collapsed from fire that day. None ever, and then three, all in one day. WTC 7 was another building in the World Trade Center complex, but it was the furthest of the buildings from the Twin Towers. It was located on the next block. Little debris struck it, and there were no large fires burning inside of it. Yet, as that horrendous day was ending, at 5:20 pm, WTC 7 collapsed in a remarkable 7 seconds. Nearly the speed of freefall. It fell in what appeared to be a perfect implosion-style demolition. Yet the official story is that it collapsed because a diesel generator located in its basement exploded, causing the whole building to 'pancake' neatly, floor by floor, to the ground. This seems impossible both because an explosion in the basement wouldn't cause a neat implosion – but rather a toppling – and because the 57 floors of the building couldn't have 'pancaked' individually and still reached the ground at freefall speed. WHY has NIST classified the data that they used to make their computer animation of the WTC7 collapse? WOULD knowledge of how NIST believes the building collapsed challenge the official story? WHY did the BBC and CNN announce in the afternoon of September 11, that WTC Building 7 had collapsed before this building had collapsed? The BBC report went live at 5.00pm, 21 minutes before the actual occurrence of the collapse, indelibly pointing to foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7. CNN anchor Aaron Brown announced that the building “has either collapsed or is collapsing” about an hour before the event.
[4] WHY won't the Pentagon release their video footage of the attack on the Pentagon ? The event was perhaps the most bizarre of all. The plane that supposedly struck the Pentagon was known to have been hijacked for 45 minutes – after two other planes had already been hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center. Yet this plane supposedly flew unchallenged over the most protected airspace in the world, and then crashed into the headquarters of America's trillion-dollar military. While footage of both WTC crashes has surfaced and been shown ad infinitum on television, no footage of the Pentagon explosion has ever been released. The Pentagon oddly chose only to release five still-frames from their security cameras' footage. One of these five frames shows something that might be a plane or a missile or a gray smear. The other four show an exploding fireball on the side of the Pentagon. WHY was there barely any debris from whatever caused the explosion, and yet supposedly the remains of the passengers were all physically identified by the FBI? So the explosion completely vaporized tons of steel, yet didn't destroy human remains? WHY is there a lack of even so much as a skid mark on a pristine, putting green lawn? WHY were no wings ever recovered from the lawn, the building, or the inner ring. WHERE are they? WHY is the total debris gathered but a small fraction of the total debris that would have been left by an airliner?
[5] WHY was the debris from the fourth plane that crashed in Pennylvania spread out over eight miles? The official story is that the plane crashed after the passengers stormed the cockpit. But normally when planes crash into the ground the debris ends up in a relatively small area. Often the fuselage and wings remain near each other. The debris scattering over eight miles is very odd. Is the official story believable? Numerous eyewitness accounts suggest the plane was shot down by another, unmarked plane.
[6] WHERE are the black boxes? Central to all aircraft crashes are analysis of the black boxes. Each plane is equipped with two black boxes: the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR). Of the four plane crashes on September 11, six of the total eight boxes were allegedly destroyed. Black boxes are nearly indestructible. They have an impact tolerance of 3400 times gravity and can burn at 1100 degrees C for 30 minutes. Only the black boxes of flight 93 which crashed in Pennyslvania were recovered. WHY has the content of these two black boxes not been released to the public?
[7] WHAT is the background to there being at least four training exercises in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11? (Operation Northern Vigilance, Biowarfare Exercise Tripod, Operation Vigilant Guardian - which simulated hijacked planes - and Operation Vigilant Warrior). This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed. NORAD were confused, delayed and distracted by the numerous wargames. WHO if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which planes were 'exercise'? IS THIS really the most incredible coincidence in history?
[8] WHO benefitted from the suspiciously high numbers of put options purchased prior to September 11 for shares in companies whose stock prices subsequently plummeted? WHO were the big investors who knew 9-11 was about to happen? Although the stock trading on American and United Airlines was up by 1200% the day before 9-11, no public investigations into who profited were undertaken. Hundreds of Arab-looking Americans were rounded up and interrogated for little apparent reason, but neither the SEC nor the FBI arrested any of those who made millions from uncanny 9-11 stock trading. The FBI's reason? They say they know who made those trades, and the traders "had no conceivable connection to Al Qaeda." And especially, WHY did the SEC destroy their records on the 9/11 insider trading question, presumably the most important investigation in the agency’s history?
[9] WHY did Donald Rumsfeld announce a new “war on bureaucracy" September 10, 2001? WHAT was the reason for the 2.3 trillion missing dollars ($2,300,000,000,000) which the Pentagon had lost up until that point, and WHERE is this 2.3 trillion missing dollars? HOW was the “war on bureaucracy” hindered when the budget analyst office in the Pentagon was destroyed the following morning, and WHERE are the public records into this accounting scandal? WHO benefited when the greatest financial scandal in the US Defence Department's history disappeared overnight with the events of September 11?
[10] WHY did the alleged “mastermind” of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, confess not only to plotting 9/11 “from A to Z” but also confess to masterminding numerous crimes that he could not have committed? And WHY did Osama bin Laden repeatedly deny any involvement in the attacks until a series of mistranslated and otherwise manipulated videos came along appearing to portray him as taking credit for those attacks? WASN'T Osama Bin Laden the same Osama Bin Laden that the US government trained, armed, funded and supported in Afghanistan during the cold war? With a huge investment of three billion US dollars, DIDN'T the CIA effectively create and nurture Bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network using American tax-payers money?
[11] WHY did Bush block the formation of the 9-11 Commission? WHY did it take 411 days to finally form the commission, when other commissions have been formed in less than a week? It took six days to form the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If it hadn't been for the insistent demands of the widows of 9-11 (and just four of them led the way), there never would have been any 9-11 Commission at all. When the 9-11 Commission was finally formed, WHY did Bush withhold funding from it? The commission to investigate the crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia, which killed seven people, received $50 million. Bush only allocated $3 million to the 9-11 Commission. He later, after much prodding, acceded to $11 million. Opposing and resisting an investigation of 9-11 looks ridiculously bad from a political standpoint, so why has Bush done it? Perhaps most damning of all is that the 9-11 Commission's chairman and director were both selected by the Bush Administration. Six of the commission's other nine members also had deep, longstanding ties to the administration and to the intelligence, petroleum, and military industrial complexes they were charged with investigating. Normally, a suspect does not get to select his judge or jury, even if he's innocent. While we consider independence to be a hallmark of the American judicial system, unfortunately nothing about the 9-11 Commission was independent. WHY did the 9/11 commission rely so heavily on the confessions extracted through torture which even the Senate’s Armed Services committee points out is specifically used to extract false confessions? WHY did the CIA destroy 92 videotapes of their illegal torture sessions after being specifically ordered by a court not to do so? WHY did the courts eventually absolve the CIA of any culpability for this crime?
[12] WHY does the corporate media apparently have no desire to investigate the events of September 11? WHY do all the major US media continue to act as if none of these questions is legitimate or relevant?
All of the questions above are serious and genuine questions. Even a few of these questions are a matter of importance and real concern. The fact that there are so many concerning September 11 is staggering.
I am prepared to answer one question: why is there a natural resistance to anybody who continues to question the US government’s version of what happened on September 11, 2001?
I believe this resistance is because most people are fundamentally decent. The resistance is rooted in our tendency toward the inability to conceive of real evil, or of people we know being evil. Instead evil ones must be others, very unlike ourselves and far away.
However we all owe it to the victims and to our society to find out what really happenned on this day twelve years ago.
If anybody doesn't like this post I challenge you: do not talk about conspiracy theories, just answer the damn questions.
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