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Sunday, 03 May 2020


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On the Sony RX100 IV it is also too easy to knock the mode dial into something unintended.


that's with the little Canon S120. All the pics except the pigeons are with the Canon. I'm fairly impressed. One of the things that is irritating is the little wheel on the 4 way controller - it is quite hard to move precisely with big fingers and easy to engage 4 way controller functions by accident. It is where exposure compensation plays out in Shutter or Aperture priority. Shame the top wheel wasn't used for that [might be customisable but I haven't read the manual yet].


What camera took the selfie. Quality is good.

I am of course referring to photographic quality, clarity and colour, not subject matter!

Satay Kanga bangers. I don't think satay is enough. Red hot Chili maybe.

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