One of the disadvantages of ATG is that you cannot stack the city count in one player's favour (like in EDEE) so it makes for a competitive 2 on 1.
Our last two attempts at 2 on 1 stopped early and with some frustration by the players. The Chardonnay swilling, bleeding heart liberal in me suggests that the format is not conducive to a relaxing, fun escape from dignity that it should be. So I propose a new format that will last a little longer and a novel scoring system. Very much the way John Michael Young thought when he devised PRESTAGS.
- Three AI+, not allied.
- Three humans not allied.
- King's peace until the last AI city falls, then on for young and old.
- Human may ally after the end of the King's peace (= no sharing tech before).
- When one human surrenders, they get 0 points, highest VP gets 3 points, other player gets 1 pt.
- Bonus point for the biggest kill, power, raw and oil rank - from the charts.
- What about strongest land unit, naval unit?
- Scores tallied over many games for bragging rights.
So I expect the game to play out this way
- We all struggle with our AI for a few turns while we work ourselves out.
- We crunch the AIs and get some valuable tech.
- As the AIs falter, we start to reinforce our borders.
- The last cities falls and we stare at each other for one turn and then it is on.
- Lots of slugging as we get through Kursk like fortifications
- Someone breaks through, or hopefully more than one
- Someone throws in the towel
- We tally points and start another
For example, this would get Mi'Lord a point
This would get El Magnifico a point
This would get Python a point
For the record, this game started with:
- XX Large
- 3 Humans + 3 AI+
- Stone Age
- Normal tech costs
- Full Country start
- Roads
Let me know how you find it!
That would end the game in my view, but I welcome discussion of other punishments.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Saturday, 16 November 2019 at 02:44 PM
OK so no vacillating noble card can be played early in the game.
Posted by: Paul | Saturday, 16 November 2019 at 02:11 PM