After an awesome drive from Brisbane to Toowoomba, and back, I find myself pining for the open road again. This time my animal magnetism was overstretched, and I had neither man nor dog as companion. I did have a beast though!
Although it looks much the same as the Thrifty (best car hire firm ever!) beast, this one was noisy. I had forgotten how much noisy it makes. And Thirsty. For this journey, I used my entire quarter's fuel allowance for the Prius. Old tech, I suppose.
Spring was showing on the road with the wattles just starting to burst.
I stopped at a rest area and found some Rosellas and Grass Parrots enjoying a midday feed.
I had all these lenses in the car, but the trouble with those is by the time you have them all set up, the target has gone!
Just before jumping into the car again, I checked out the name of the reserve.
I can just image the Germans saying "There is a mad Aussie down there chucking grenades. Let's decamp." Thomas Derrick did inspire me though: next time I'm with my mates, I'll spend some time chucking grenades around.
Road Trip Stage One is a success, and Blust is in the Black.
Now I wonder if I will get a turn. The again, if John Michael Young wanted a turn, he had to invent a whole game. I just have to be patient, I suppose.