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Sunday, 28 July 2019


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Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!


I am tempted to say "piffle", but I shan't. So many coincidences and assumptions with lipstick on pretending to be facts.

"No darling, you are not the real deal. I know the real deal. Please move on to some other John."

Numbers the the seminary or priesthood mean nothing. They were down during the age of reason too, such that Voltaire predicted Christianity would end shortly after his death.

Numbers up during the World War. Well, darn, I wonder why. I sometimes suspect the right wing protestants want to make environmental pollution and world conflict so bad that the last judgement just has to happen. They are like the anti-Roman, maccabean-throwback Zealots that Jesus had no time for. They were never going to carry an occupation soldier's pack anywhere. They knew that the Levite was the true hero of the Good Samaritan parable because they focussed on purity before all else.

"No darling, you are not the real deal. I know the real deal. Please move on to some other John."

If these ratbag bishops who the author thinks are heroes show mercy, love and humidity, well an goood. If not, I'd rather play turns than call girls.

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