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Sunday, 15 July 2018


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"Thygo is a better photographer than me" - I think that is not necessarily so.

Full marks for those shots. Sure can get some surreal outputs too.

I have read about HDR but never tried it yet - always seemed like another daunting software adventure ... Even for the D90 which has a bracketing setting.

I always wanted to try this in dimly lit church interiors but still with bright light coming through high windows. (slow shutter speeds though, so tripod almost essential)

But now cameras do it 'in camera' - D7200 does (but I still haven't tried it).

You can also do bracketing to get your HDR starting images without a bracketing setting - though this is where the camera being on a tripod really helps so each image is of the same scene and angle. You set the aperture and then take several images in range from underexposed (eg -1.0EV, -0.7, -0.3, 0, +0.3 etc) ...

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