Python's post about polar bear numbers is good obfuscation but it can't hide the fact that the 'climate change' advocates (the current iteration of 'global warming' advocates) have simply failed to get their facts right, and because this is documented their failure is there for the whole world to see.
It might be difficult to determine polar bear numbers now and in the past but so what. The real issue is that the alarmists said polar bear numbers would decline to the point of extinction because the arctic ice cap would rapidly decline and may even be gone by summer 2014. So said Al Gore in his UN speech in 2009.
Gore was wrong. But the climate zealots never admit this and try and hide the error with silly articles about how difficult it is to count polar bears.
There were even more extreme statements made by the climate zealots. My favourite is that snowflakes would disappear (in 2000). A total fail and self-evident bullshit to anyone with half a brain. We have had two decades of climate nonsense now and you rarely hear about all the statements that have been proven to be false. You just get new false statements about the future.
Gore was the same charlatan who got the Nobel peace prize two years earlier (2007) and we know what a politicised joke that award is. Even Obama (another climate zealot and professional pathological liar) got a Nobel peace prize to celebrate all the wars and terrorist supporting he was about to embark upon. Gore is to science what Obama is to peace.
I am still waiting for the deluded but well intentioned climate change worriers to explain why the high tax - population control - poverty inducing - destruction of liberty policies that politicians like Obama and Gore present as solutions to the alleged climate change problem are (1) necessary and that no other more people friendly policies are available and (2) will work anyway.
Have you noticed that the solution to big alleged problems (think terrorism and think black market economics) is always the same: more government regulation, more taxes, more sacrifices by ordinary people (but not the elite like Gore), more control, more silencing of dissent etc.
If climate change was a genuine scientific problem, there would be an encouragement of dissent and debate and new ideas and testing of theories (ie did the polar ice cap disappear in 2014) and not censorship and attacks on alternative theories from other scientists. Truth defends itself in a democracy. As soon as governments attack scientific dissent one needs to be extremely sceptical of the prevailing orthodoxy and it disappoints me that well intentioned climate change advocates are not as appalled by the government censorship as the 'deniers' (a government propaganda term if there was ever one) are.
The good news is people aren't as stupid as governments would like and more and more people are waking up. President Trump might event take an axe to a lot of the phoney science.
We are entering a period in the solar cycle where solar activity is decreased. It will actually get colder, but let's hope we are not taxed and regulated into servitude by the climate fascists first.
Donald Trump calling facts nonsense is hilarious. The only truthful thing I have heard the man say is that he is going to be the next president of the USA.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Friday, 23 December 2016 at 06:07 PM
I wonder if we spend some of NASA's 'finding life on Mars' budget on our own (earthen) back yard we would be better off.
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Thursday, 22 December 2016 at 08:40 PM
'peer reviewed' rhetoric, and unreferenced blog posts, and professional lia ... I mean politicians ... one liners.
I am glad court cases don't get decided (just) on rhetoric.
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Thursday, 22 December 2016 at 08:30 PM