With the absence of EDEE turns for a week, I have had a chance to give Hearts of Iron 4 (hereafter HOI) mu first run through. It is not my first attempt, but the first time I have not had a "you cannot be serious" moment where the game system did the unexpected (like if an ally declares war on another major power and you are not ready and let them have at it and you have some units in that power, they are all wiped out if overrun. This is particularly annoying if it your prized airforce!) It is probably my eighth attempt, so I have got good value from by $50 purchase.
I always play my first HOI scenarios are Germany as I am used to the timetable: build industry, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Low Countries, France, Yugoslavia, Greece then USSR. However, while this variant of HOI appears to let you follow it, it keeps changing things around a bit, which is quite entertaining. This time around I was just about ready to invade Poland, when USSR started before me. "Interesting!", I thought, "If I wait for a bit, Britain and France will declare war and defend Poland." Which they did!
See the little explosion on the eastern border of Poland. Those are Soviet attacks. Note all my boys on the border.
It got better, as Britain and France move nearly 100 divisions into Poland (through the Baltic Sea). Nothing makes me happier than seeing enemies fight each other!
Then my ally, Mussolini, got big for himself and declared war against Yugoslavia. I did not want this, but when the allies declared war on Italy, I decided to take the change and just leave them in Poland (I lost half my fleet patrolling the Baltic Sea, but with airpower I prevailed. I removed my good units from the Polish border and made some new armies to march south and clean up Yugoslavia. I then noticed that there were only a couple of divisions left on the Maginot line, so managed to overrun them without having to violate Belgian neutrality and soon I had France with Italy's help.
Note how the Allies are still fighting in Poland, poor fools.
I then settled down to build but a USSR killing force and flooded the sea with submarines.
Annoyingly, Britain talked Netherlands into attacking me, which gave me a scary week while the panzers got on a train and returned from the east. Submarine warfare is better in other HOI games; this one gives you no feedback on how much damage you are causing; throughout the game I never saw the impact of my wolf packs. They sunk quite a few convoys, but never all of them, and no clue as to whether I had enough subs of should have more.
Eventually I was ready to take on USSR. They had ignored our Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and not given me any of Poland, so I had no compunction in declaring war. HOI4 as a really fun battle plan system. While you can move units, you can also delineate fronts and plan thrust points that give you a rather cool looking WW2 style map.
See the two arrows coming out of eastern Hungary. That's Rommel. (I do not waste him in Africa!) I told him to go wide and try to pocket the whole USSR western front while the rest of my forces held them in place. Up close, you get nice 3D is sprites that do the fighting. They are cute, but I hate how hard it is to find a plane to know if your airforce is winning or losing.
At this level you can get tricky. See I have two main thrusts with 20 ish divisions each and one with just one division to confuse. Then you press play and watch! (Everyone now and then you get like Hitler did and tell one particular division to do somewhere interesting, otherwise you enjoy the show.) When things do not work, you adjust the thrusts or move key units between armies, but this worked like a dream. I bagged over 200 division in Poland, and had overrun USSR all the way to the Urals by snowfall. Stalin surrendered.
This left England, and the game became a bit wonky then. To invade Britain, I needed air superiority, so I told all my factories to make fighters, and challenge Churchill for the control of the channel.
See all the little battle reports. If you zoom the picture, you will see the planes dogfighting - pretty, but annoying after awhile.
Anyway, I failed. While I was building tanks to conquer USSR, Churchill had been building Spitfires. Lots a lots of Spitfires - about 5000 to my paltry 1200 Foch Wolfes. Fine, I thought, I research my Me262 Komet and jet them out of the sky. I sent half my army off to help Japan clean up India, China and south-east Asia and put my white coats up in the finest rooms in the Reichstag.
A year and a half later, the Axis owned the world expect the Americas, Australia and little Britain, I now had 2000 Me 262s. I tried again, and again failed. I do not know what the Bris had that would take out my jet airforce, Daleks?
I then tried Wunderwaffen. First V2s, but something shot them down. A Patriot System 50 years ahead of time? Then Paul's favourite tactic, an atomic bomb.
The news paper was preceded by a cool animation, but really the cool is getting all the steps right to make one and launch it. And then 5 more bombs in case Churchill thought I only had one. Not only it Britain not surrender, but they continued to shoot down my next generation of Jets.
So it is 1947, I have had a lot of fun, it is clearly an Axis victory, but I still do not have boots on the ground in Britain. I was about to build a carrier force so that I could control the sea and land anywhere in the British Isles, but even that might not work. Instead, I have stopped, written this blog and I think I will now play as Neville Chamberlain so I can see what a bit of stiff upper lip is like.
What did you guys get up to this boring week?
Also, Kansas had gone Kamping so no turns. One of my PBEM buddies has read a couple of my articles on the blog and wants to contribute. What do you say? It will be more of the gaming posts, but might bring some interesting perspectives. Your site - your call.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 05:38 PM
Last week involved antibiotics and a pump.
Posted by: Paul | Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 05:26 PM