I think Paul used to have a rule: "Never play Python when he has cavalry." He needs to explain that rule to Kansas. This attack has gone three times better than I expected. My plan was just to shell the city so that it stopped producing. I have now cut the supply lines to the city and if he does not have some off map reinforcements, it is going to fall.
What is clever about ATG is that capturing an enemy city does not make me much stronger as the enemy populace refuses to make weapons of war. Thus you do not steam roller in this game. I have done well because while the Chinese strength is militia, the Confederate strength is in rangers - elite infantry. I can turn any flank I want, but I can't hold against a human wave attack. However, if the human wave has no ammunition, I am in with a strong chance. And if they lose this much of their army, its good night Kansas.
In the south I tried an experiment of putting a smaller number of rangers into armoured cars. This lets me concentrate on a small part of the line and then pour reinforcements through. That has gone very well and Kansas will lose badly here if he chooses to defend the centre.
Who wants to give it a go?
It'd be nice to have you guys in too. What is the problem with 5 minute turns?
Posted by: PythonMagus | Wednesday, 13 July 2016 at 10:14 PM
Kansas has just resigned. We are now playing as allies 2x2 vs the AI. (The AI is very good in this game.)
Posted by: PythonMagus | Wednesday, 13 July 2016 at 10:14 PM