Let me humour myself and greet the readers of this blog. They may recall a set of analysis articles I wrote just over a year ago on the Australian designed World in Flames. Well, I indulged myself last weekend during the anniversary of D-Day sale and purchased the digital version. They have tried to remain as true to the game as possible, and I have to admit that I am impressed.
There is no AI, and the map is a bit more dense, and you are less motivated to study the rules (vs just trying things), but you can get through a few turns every evening and it is quite compelling. There is no PBEM feature, but no matter as my friends are illiterate, and it would not work that way with constant back and fro during the turns (air intercept and escort, advance and retreat after combat etc.). There are a number of players on line looking for competitors, but I have too many gaming commitments right now, so I just relax with a glass of wine when there are no PBEM turns and do a turn or two of this ((playing both sides).
Above is the start of WW2, the invasion of Poland. You get the same beautiful counters with nice detail on what they are, but you never knock them all over or have to clean them up because company is coming over!
But you have the whole world and it fits on one desk!
Even the parts you will never play on
looks beautiful
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 10:32 AM
The board version includes the ship, but not the land around the capital. it is in an off map box, which is fine for paper maps.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Saturday, 11 June 2016 at 12:22 PM
It looks beautiful. Is this the first wargame to include Canberra?
Posted by: Paul | Saturday, 11 June 2016 at 09:45 AM