Python Magnus has pulled off another stunning victory!
A French army of 130,000 (twice the size of Jena Auerstedt) met a Prussian army of 105,000 (slightly smaller than Jena Auerstedt) and won a crushing victory, but are now exhausted. We took five times the losses of Jena Auerstedt but inflicted almost three times the damage, or four times what we received. I have captured 7 battalions of artillery! There will be one more Prussian corps to locate, but I think they may be down for the count.
The Battle of Bitterfeld shall go into the history books as the greatest butchery battle of the Napoleonic era; one year before Jena Auerstedt!
Who wants to join be in a fun PBEM? (There is a free spot for Austria in one of the games.)