We may have sworn a vow. We may have meant that there would be no other. But, a man has needs, and a wargamer is no different. And why can't I have another on the side. It's not like it means anything. PRESTAGS is still my first, but without a turn I am like a didgeridoo without a breath, a muslim without a prayer rug, and orthodox church without an orthodox Pope. I didn't want it to go this way, but there it is.
I have joined a PBEM as France playing Wars of Napoleon with The General's HQ club. There, I have said it. Now shoot me. Preferably with 12 pounders on the field of Austerlitz!
But now is the winter of our discontent! With 19th century armies, you do not march around in winter or you have 19th century starving stragglers. So for the first 12 turns, I just make plans.
I have spoken with my good ally King Charles IV of Spain, and we have divided up Europe in a more ambitious subdivision than Hitler and Mussolini ever dreamt of. (My dream is to have a Charles on the throne on England before long!) However, as long as he gets rid of Gibraltar, he will be my hero.
The game is being hosted by the Austrian player. I am being as nice to him as possible to start with since he will have to put up with my armies marching around his country and dissolving his Holy Roman Empire before long. I suspect he lives in Austria based on his timezone. I haven't got to know the rest of the players, but we are all polite and swearing we know nothing about the game but will do our best.
In the mean time I am sitting in Boulogne with a horde of flat bottomed boats waiting to get across the channel.
While I wait for spring, I build the forces I need for the coming summer of love. All of Europe is at peace with me apart from England, so I need to buy a fleet.
Or perhaps I need the Old Guard. They don't lose a battle until Leipzig in 1813 - 8 years from now.
Whatever I choose, these 5 minutes turns are not at all painful, so I have offered to be a stand in for another player in another game. No, I suppose I have a 45 minute EDEE turn to attend to. I could be half way across the map in that much time, not stuck in a stalemate!
Just back from lunch. Have to leave for mass in ten minutes. I have two turns to play, one EDEE and on Wars of napoleon. Guess which one I had time for.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Sunday, 17 April 2016 at 05:56 PM
Thygo is the reason you won't read the rules to Alea Jacta Est. I have found several AJE players, but I do not need that many turns. Do have a look at ATG - it is very empire like and there are lots of players on The General HQ.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Sunday, 17 April 2016 at 05:21 PM
Everything is Thygo's fault.
Posted by: Paul | Sunday, 17 April 2016 at 04:36 PM