Although I do not have half the cities yet, I have flown an explorer through Paul's island looking for a TR city to nuke. (A strategy he taught me, although it is more to strike at the morale of the defenders than to reduce transports, for which the air force does a grand job.) What astonished me is all these low but useful cities producing nothing! Nilch! Nanda! Niente! Apart from Bakes Beans for the front.
Notice also the oil resource being ignored! In my empire, the oil resources are so heavily exploited that I could put every city under production. But I wait until they hit 100%, as they grow quickly below that level and slowly after.
Now Paul may claim that is a 105% city is only going to produce a plane every 11 turns, but multiply that by 30 and that is 3 planes a turn that Paul can only dream of.
The end is nigh. Might I suggest something different for a change:
What is not to love about these videos?
Posted by: PythonMagus | Sunday, 07 February 2016 at 11:00 PM