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Monday, 31 August 2015


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Yes, well as Paul noted, he has chased a roo in Goulburn, swum the Murray, smelled the Molasses at Bundaburg, walked the Leichhardt River at Mount Isa, seen Uluru at a distance (no dogs allowed), been pecked on the nose by a emu, and tasted the Great Southern Ocean. I am not convinced that is something to give your left leg for, but it is an achievement for a toy dog.


very sorry to hear your news too Maurice.


That is terrible about Pip. He has just had the dog holiday of a lifetime, and put in a pitch for the most photographed dog.


Strong with this budgie, the force was.


I still fondly remember the Budgie we had in Canberra as a teen, although I cannot remember his name. Growing up with a pet is a great experience.

We are next. Pip, 11 in October, has been diagnosed tonight with a cancerous tumour in his spine. To remove the tumour, the vet has to remove a leg and half the pelvis, with no guarantees. Decision time.


We are very sorry to hear that. It is always a very hard thing when a pet dies.
Our sympathies to you all.

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Handsome Budgie Aristo
Banja 2 small

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