My compliments to Finarvyn, Merctime, kesher, Otto Harkaman and derv!
Who are these persons? They are a D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) discussion group that held a discussion about PRESTAGS in the period 27 May 2015 to 3 June 2015. Yes, PRESTAGS lives and is appreciated by other wargamers in addition to our good selves.
I include both the link to the D&D PRESTAGS discussion on the internet in addition to a colour pdf that I have made of this discussion and uploaded to this website so it is preserved for posterity: Download D&D PRESTAGS Discussion
The D&Ders have recalled how they used PRESTAGS to recreate fantasy battles, including mixing PRESTAGS counters with other counters from fantasy wargames in the 1970s. This is a sample from Finarvyn:
I was also pleased to hear about an army captain teaching university students how to play PRESTAGS as told by Otto Harkaman:
Otto writes that he now has "all of the PRESTAG rules which I've acquired in a sort of a quest like fashion" which reminds me of my own quest 35 years after the publication of PRESTAGS to complete my own collection by purchasing two missing games on ebay. I had Spartan, Legion and Viking from the 1970s, but I had to acquire my own copies of Chariot and Yeoman as I approached the age of 50. I think Python still needs Yeoman to complete his collection.
Needless to say I agree with many of the comments in this very interesting discussion, especially "we ought to have a thread about SPI's wonderful PRESTAGS wargame", "As far as historical eras go, anything that can spawn from the dawn of time through the Middle Ages has to be awesome" and "there is a good sized cult following of the games". I'm not sure how large the cult actually is, but PRESTAGS certainly deserves a cult, it was a wonderful wargame and it still is awesome.
Well done chaps. PRESTAGS lives!
So I just found this game at a store that sells miniature soldiers and such in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I picked up this master pack with all 5 games and it looks like just about every piece for $40. Never heard of it before then, eager to find locals to play with where I live, reading your post I'm assuming I lucked out.
Posted by: Lost Americana | Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 06:23 AM