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Sunday, 01 March 2015


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My next post will be a treat for you! Someone in Decision Games thinks the same way you do.


I note that Gorbachev has said: "The assassination of Boris Nemtsov is an attempt to complicate the situation in the country, even to destabilize it by ratcheting up tensions between the government and the opposition".

Another reason to doubt the “Blame Putin” chorus that is starting the corporate media is the manner in which the shooting took place, in public, in front of the girlfriend, to generate the maximum publicity. If Putin had really wanted to kill this guy, it would have been a “suicide” in private or a small plane crash, the way the US Government handles assassinations.


If there's another big war, our stupid Prime Minister (of either political persuasion) will jump in and we will be too busy worrying about our kids or glowing in the dark to play EDEE.


A post when you had an EDEE turn to play? Not a good sign.

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