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Wednesday, 11 February 2015


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I don't think it is. I just got lucky to get two hits in a row. When we have sentried CVs next game, you would put one of those next to your cruiser and improve your chances. However, there are no guarantees. You saw my last attack on your island with a full transport and I only got one city. I could easily see an SM going through a swarm of AAs and taking out its target nonetheless. Not very often, though.


Is there any reason in the software why a sentrified cruiser would be more vulnerable to a missile.


Also, you can sentry after you use all the MPs. I do this a lot. It does not permit defensive firing, but it gets the unit ready and it doesn't talk to you next turn.


I think the answer is the same for AA: There must be no moves during the turn before defensive fire.

When I do my CV change (next game), I plan to allow the CV to fire at planes after moving. (Perhaps I should do the same for capital ships. I think what we do for AA and LA works.) I wonder if that will change the rule.


An interesting question. A cruiser can move and combat during its turn, and then if it has 1 movement allowance left, can sentrify on the last movement turn. In this case, does the Cruiser still undertake automatic fire in the opposing player's turn?

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