That it all collapses.
Little printed pieces of paper with dead people on them are not wealth.
The derivatives market the world over is larger than the world’s economy many times over.
Plunge protection teams = rigged markets with a thumb constantly on the scale, able to go up endlessly, but never allowed to go back down, ever.
The markets all consist of computers trading amongst one another, high frequency trading is all that makes up the market, and if they slow down it collapses.
The Federal Reserve is buying the vast majority of all treasuries. Somewhere north of 70% of all treasuries are being purchased by the Fed.
The Federal reserve is a group of privately owned banks, with no reserves, and is not federal.
There isn’t a company on the stock exchange that has a share price reflective of its assets.
Governments around the world have only kept the illusion going though endless money printing, endless quantitative easing, endless operation twist, endless buying of mortgage backed securities. Printing money. Every single time in history that this has been tried has ended in grief.
The flow of billions and billions of money printing props up the banks and US stocks, it does not build infrastructure or stimulate small businesses or assist the needy. It does not even assist anyone other than the top 1%. That is the 1% that owns 50% of the entire wealth of the planet.
Theft and corruption are now legal. There is no legal system left when it comes to HSBC laundering their money through the drug cartels, or MF global and the evaporation of 1.5 billion dollars in segregated client funds, and the list of illegalities by JP Morgan and others reads like a rap sheet. Not a single person from Wall Street as gone to jail since the 2008 financial crisis. Steal $100 and you go to jail for 10 years. Steal $1 billion and you get a bonus and you are "too important to fail".
Theft of assets and gold of foreign nations is now the order of the day, from Libya to Cyprus, to the Ukranian gold, to financial warfare and killing anyone who threatens to leave the system or opt out.
Libor rigging, was just one more example of rigged interest rates world wide in order to keep the financial system propped up a little longer and the illusion going. There is no law in this financial system.
Finally the transfer of all banker debt, all corporate debts world wide onto the backs of nation states. This has turned our once elected governments into nothing more than an extension of corporations, and has made private debt, all of it, public debt, and national debt. This is theft and corruption at it’s highest.
Theft has many new words. "Bail in" means your bank deposits will be stolen. "Necessary inflation" means your cash will be stolen, bit by bit. "Climate levy" means your assets will be taxed in new ways. "Too big to fail" means your taxes will pay for large corporation mistakes, but not for small businesses. "International treaty obligations" means the top 1% use tax havens and trusts and pay no tax. "Austerity" means you and your children pay for government and large corporation debts.
Now once the entire system collapses, it won’t just be banks going under, it won’t just be companies failing, it will be nation states collapsing.
That is why they need hollow point bullets, NSA spying, drones, coffins, guard towers, continuity of government plans, militarized police, and terrorists to give the excuses needed to create it all, catalog it all, and spy on everyone. The state does not fear terrorists. The state fears its own citizens when the house of cards comes down.
The end is near. It has reached a climax. We are now in global financial warfare, which may very well go hot, and has done so in many places and regions. The brick wall so to speak has been reached in Russia which hasn’t allowed a color revolution, and refuses to play if you believe it.
The EU is now printing money. The Swiss just made the decision to exit the game early, and now you will see the rush for the exits as to not be the last one standing at a dead man’s party.
Question is, will people beg for an Icelandic solution, the arrest of those financially responsible, a refusal to pay the debt of failed corporations.
Or will they beg for a Greek solution, the candy and handouts to continue, some government jobs and pensions to be protected, and the auctioning of all monuments, national treasures and assets to be handed over to the banks, and those responsible for the destruction of free people to be rewarded with more wealth.
Every nation is in debt, every state is in debt, every city is in debt, and every person is in debt. It has become a planet of world wide debt.
Those who are going to come in and pretend to save you, do not have the money to do it with, and if you are foolish enough to pretend that they do, then you deserve the slavery you will get.
As I write the 1% fly into Davos in their lear jets to pontificate to the rest of the world. Just watch, everything will be about the average person making sacrifices or changing their expectations or being taxed in new ways. All for the good of the planet 1% of course. No matter what they say the tax havens will stay. The mega corporations will still be above international law.
But even the super rich cannot hold the house of cards together for much longer. Unrestrained greed is about to have global consequences.
Find a cave and lock the door.
warm bath anyone?
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 10:40 PM
China is not in control, whatever they think.
Posted by: Paul | Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 08:35 PM
China likes the world just as it is. It won't be this year.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 08:35 AM