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Wednesday, 07 January 2015


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"just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you ..."



There was actually a point at which I thought Python was going to do a grand stab and attack me. The sight treaty even went off for a turn and I thought "here it comes".


Actually, I found a bug in my plane strategy. At the beginning of the game, I press X for explore for all new planes. This sends them off to the unexplored areas (which is where the game is won). However, if you are in a TEAM alliance, pressing X causes the planes to cluster around your ally. I could not determine why. This brings me to one of y favourite quotes from L'Empereur: "I would rather fight the allies than be one of them".

In the mid game when exploration is complete, I create complex flight paths. However, we never got that far. Looking at Paul's numbers, I suggest there were about 50 neutrals at the game's end.

Re Paul's brilliant play, I concur completely. I feel I need a 10% lead in cities before I can relax against Paul, and even then he has an uncanny knack of taking my cities that hide transports.

Paul's small lead in cities explains one thing: I was expecting a colossal backstab from him on the turn Peter resigned. Nothing personal to be sure, but just to see if it worked, from the point of view of a scientific experiment. I had a few things hiding, but would have lost upward of 50 cities in the first turn of his treachery.

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