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Saturday, 20 December 2014


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Python is being extraordinarily polite by not mentioning me by name wrt an (in)famous slide night.
Even now, I struggle to consider and stick to the detail the audience wants ...


Great slide! The great thing about an iphone is that when someone shows you their photos, there only are about 5 you are supposed to finger flip through and you don't have to take more than 2 seconds per picture. When someone shows you their slides, they consider it an offensive social faux pas to not fill the 80 slide carousel, and to have a second carousel of some previous adventures to one side, just in case you seem to be enjoying the first 80!


Priceless photo!!

And yes, I have slides, and my Dad has heaps, and Louise has all her Dad's slides.
And yes we had slide nights.
Louise is trying to save all hers.
I saw a projector on Gumtree tonight for $25 - I might have to buy it.

You know one thing that good old analogue slides could do that Powerpoint can't? - you can put it the image in Portrait without losing and pictorial area.

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