Paul's advances in this game are terrifying. He can pick the cities my transports are hiding in with unswerving accuracy. In the next game, soon to begin, he will be a most formidable adversary. But this game is running more and more like the end of WW1. Germany's advvances were spectacture. Its subgugation of Russia undeniable, it industrial might unquestioned. But one by one the little allies fell leaving her alone and fighting on too many fronts.
On the right is an island that was all green four short turns ago. Star Lord's troops have now landed on his big land mass, perhaps it is his home land. Retreat is turning into rout. The Sultan is learning how to translate the Turkish word for surrender. The next game will start very soon!
You are doing incredibly well. Embarrassing so. But not enough.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 02:19 PM
I feel good about this game. Thygo feels bad about it. The Python is foxing. What is the truth?
Posted by: Paul | Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 02:13 PM