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Monday, 15 September 2014


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Point taken. The infringing reference has been removed. I want one reference per blog. It makes them more entertaining.


And the reference ... "Another time I had to listen to 50 minutes of Paul Reiter whinge about climate scientists commenting..." sounds a tad like a climate change reference. That is two. And two is enough. That is one of the additional the breaches I was referring to, and the reason why my brilliant post has highlighted how easy it is to breach the treaty. I repeat: NEW RULE: No references to the climate change debate whatsoever apart from one post per month. Whatsoever. WHATSOEVER.


The only reference in "Ten Pictures are Worth A Thousand Words" is "equivalent to the proportion of peer review publications that suggest that Anthopogenic Climate Change is a myth". Exactly one, cleverly placed as a reference to pecentages. I like that rule; I think it should stand. So please change this post to have just one reference - you may leave the pictures - or embargo it for 1 October.


Rubbish. I counted 7 references at least in the "Ten Pictures" post, which post was entirely a climate change post. NEW RULE: No references to the climate change debate whatsoever apart from one post per month. Whatsoever.


Both those posts comply with the permit to have a single Climate Change statement in a non climate change post. Be clever, or embargo this post to 1 October.


This was an EDEE post in the same spirit in which your "But what does it mean" post was a Star Wars post. And your "Ten pictures are worth 10,0000 words" was a Web/Blog post. Perhaps now you will stick to the treaty.


Please remove. This is in breach of our treaty.

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