The Python has alleged a "warming trend" based on some selective data over the last 22 years. If there is global warming over the last 22 years, what is he comparing these 22 years with? Actually, he is comparing them with nothing, just the 22 year sample.
How can you get a planet wide apocalyptic trend from 22 years? You can't. Let us leave aside Python's selective data and love for erroneous computer models, and look at some real science.
There is a real science called paleoclimatology, where past temperatures and other climate information is determined from analysis of ice core samples. The benefit of this kind of analysis is that you can go back hundreds of thousands of years and study some real samples, not a pathetic 22 years. You can also look at human civilisation to test the 'man made' allegation.
As ice forms from the incremental buildup of annual layers of snow, lower layers are older than upper, and an ice core contains ice formed over a range of years. The properties of the ice and the inclusions within the ice can then be used to reconstruct a climatic record over the age range of the core, normally through isotopic analysis. This enables the reconstruction of local temperature records and the history of atmospheric composition.
Inclusions in the snow of each year remain in the ice, such as wind-blown dust, ash, pollen, bubbles of atmospheric gas and radioactive substances. The variety of climatic proxies is greater than in any other natural recorder of climate, such as tree rings or sediment layers. These include (proxies for) temperature, ocean volume, precipitation, chemistry and gas composition of the lower atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, solar variability, sea-surface productivity, desert extent and forest fires.
An ice core from the right site can be used to reconstruct an uninterrupted and detailed climate record extending over hundreds of thousands of years, providing information on a wide variety of aspects of climate at each point in time. It is the simultaneity of these properties recorded in the ice that makes ice cores such a powerful tool in paleoclimate research.
Ice cores from Greenland enable a sample going back 400,000 years. From this, a sub sample of 11,000 years can be used to track human civilisation. You know, those nasty humans that cause planet wide warming with all their evil factories and farting cattle. What does 11,000 years show?
What?! A Dark Ages Cooling, a Medieval Warming, a Minoan Warming, an Egyptian Cooling. Those evil minoans and their obsession with bulls. They must have created a civilisation of farting cows.
And those good old boys in the Dark Ages. We need to cure global warming by recreating a feudal economic system. Now I see why the global warming alarmists want new taxes for everyone except the rich and powerful. They can become the lords and the rest of us can be taxed back into serfs and peasants. But we will all be lovely and cool.