I have found a really cool T-Shirt that combines the interests of both the Python and I. If one views the circular laurel wreath as symbolic of the moon it also includes an interest of Thygocanberra.
The description of the T-Shirt is as follows:
"Molon Labe (pronounced mo'lon la've) is ancient Greek for "come and take it" and traces its roots back to the famous Spartan Battle of Thermopylae of 300 lore.
This classical expression of defiance goes back to the days of the ancient Greeks. It was reportedly spoken by King Leonidas I in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. Today we are faced with a similar choice. The globalists want free men to surrender their right to bear arms and become slaves to the New World Order. The famous story of the 300 Spartans has inspired people throughout the ages to fight for their ideals, even in the face of overwhelming odds. This latest Infowars shirt honors and inspires this tradition of free men courageously fighting for their country and freedom.
Black shirt with distressed gold ink combines both classic Greek/Spartan imagery with modern M16 assault rifles. It has ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ printed across the top with Infowars at the bottom in an ancient Greek inspired font. The back also features an ancient Greek Infowars logo with "1776" written in Roman numerals".
What a fantastic T-Shirt! They even come in styles for women so the whole family can wear them. What sizes would you like Python?