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Saturday, 29 March 2014


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That infrared looks like something from a horror movie


I don't think its pixellated, I just think there is a limit to the detail that is detected on the camera sensor using the infrared beam. Apparently it works "because of the IR sensitivity of the camcorder's CCD detector and since Sony installed an infrared light source in the camcorder, infrared illumination was available to augment otherwise low-light video scenes and produce reasonable image quality in low-light situations". Perhaps this explains it better: "When you flip the switch to Nightshot mode, little IR LED Emitters built into the camera turn on, and bathe the scene in IR light. The camera moves the IR Block Filter from in front of the sensor, and adjusts the focus for IR light wavelengths. The result is an image taken in IR Light. You get a greenish image similar to the old Military Night Vision glasses".


The infrared seems to be very pixellated. Is that a function of the software of on the camera? (That is, to maximise light capture, it treats a few hundred pixels as one.)

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