Happy Australia Day.
Whatever we are celebrating it is certainly not a Christian nation. Here are 20 statistics:
- Now only 61.1% of the population report an affiliation with a Christian religion, which continues to decline towards 50%.
- Only 25% of the population are Catholic although it is the largest religion.
- Most of those with a Christian affiliation do not practice their religion on a regular basis. Only 15% of men and 22% of women actively participate in a religious or spiritual group.
- The fastest growing religions are Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism.
- 22% of the population describe their religion as "no religion".
- By the next census "no religion" will be the largest religion.
- Half of those reporting "no religion" are under 30.
- A third of all persons older than 19 with postgraduate qualifications report "no religion".
- 79% of the population cohabit before a registered marriage.
- 34% of babies are born to parents who are not in a registered marriage.
- 7 in 10 marriages are now conducted by a civil not a religious celebrant.
- The divorce rate is not rising only because less of the population is getting married.
- 50% of divorces involve children.
- Approximately 80,000 to 90,000 surgical abortions are performed each year, approximately 250 every day. This does not count chemical abortions.
- There is one surgical abortion for every 2.8 live births.
- Approximately 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime.
- With the exception of the occasional independent senator, all of Australia's political parties support the maintenance of abortion on demand. This includes parties in which a majority of members of parliament describe themselves as 'Christian'.
- Up to 70% of the population support voluntary euthanasia.
- 64% of the population support homosexual 'marriage', including 81% of young people.
- 53% of 'Christians' support homosexual 'marriage'.
[From: Australian Bureau of Statistics (1-13), Galaxy Polls (18-20) & Life Network (14-16)]
If you look at these statistics and apply basic Catholic doctrine, only a small percentage of the population can possibly be in a state of grace. This is what is so horrible. This will cause huge punishment.
Posted by: Leadermi22 | Monday, 27 January 2014 at 10:47 AM
You are quite correct. The Church not only opted out of its responsibilities post V2, but continues to do so. And now it has been newted by pervert scandals so it no longer has any moral authority even if a stray Bishop chose to speak out. Not that there is much chance of that; nearly all the Bishops are completely silent on almost every issue.
These statistics are even more scarey because they have been moving in the adverse Christian direction by quite a lot of percentage points every census. I am horrified how the next census in August 2016 will turn out.
Posted by: Paul | Monday, 27 January 2014 at 10:43 AM
And how much of the 'christian' error on these fundamental moral questions comes: A. because of the wishy washy protestant 'positions' B. Because of post-V2 ecumania, the Catholic church has not been prepared to call a spade a spade, lest we offend our sundered brethren. As a result we aren't telling them 'you are wrong. if you don't change you will die in your sins'.
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Monday, 27 January 2014 at 10:03 AM
Luke 18:8
But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?
Of course a question is was Australia ever actually a Christian nation?
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Monday, 27 January 2014 at 08:47 AM