It seems that every few days there is news of another scandal involving the fabrication of "evidence" in support of alleged man made global warming. Today I read about the Data Rigging Scandal in the US Temperature Records but this is only the latest in a long line of political interference with science.
I don't understand why people are shocked about this, especially with something that is patently dodgy like alleged man made global warming. Science, like any profession, is just as likely to be prone to human failings leading to corruption, misconduct and criminality as any other profession. And this is more so when there is an obvious global agenda propagated by a small number of wealthy interests that want to socially engineer (and tax the crap out of) the unfortunate majority of the world's population. It is the same wealthy special interest groups and corrupt governments that are bankrolling most of science, and guess what: they only fund research that fits in with their own agenda. Try applying for a grant to study the effects of solar cycles on planetary temperature (as distinct from an anthropocentric research project) and see how far you get.
I am sick and tired of the bedwetters (to copy the phrase used by a well known politically incorrect climate change sceptic) carrying on about alleged man made global warming while more and more data comes in showing there is no global warming. And, because the bedwetters love computer models (as distinct from actual measuresements) enough time has now passed to test the stupid and ill-informed models propagated by elitists like Al Gore (I bet he and his 5 mansions and lear jet has a small carbon foot print).
All of Gore's fear mongering predictions have failed. The best was the 2007 prediction that the arctic summer would be ice free by 2013. Wrong. the latest satellite data show that Arctic ice cover has actually expanded 50 percent over 2012 levels. In fact, during October 2013, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979. And what about all the polar bears would die. No, the bears live and maybe they can move to Egypt where Cairo just had its first snowfall in 100 years.
The worst predictions have come from the United Nations, that organization that has never seen a third world family it did not want to sterilise. The UN claimed in its latest global-warming report to be 95 percent sure that human emissions of carbon dioxide were to blame for rising temperatures. Those claims, now deservedly widely laughed at around the world, were made despite the fact that every single one of its computer models has been entirely discredited by the lack of warming for the last 17 years. Many experts are now even predicting global cooling.
Yes, you heard correctly. Monthly global mean surface temperature anomalies (average global temperature) as measured by Satellite (a measurement, not a model) show that there has been no global warming for the last 17 years.
There is no hockey stick. And what are the bedwetters doing now? They have stopped saying "global warming" and have started saying "climate change".
Hang on, is this science? When the evidence doesn’t support your conclusion you change the name of the phenomenon. Recently President Obama (I guess he needs a 'carbon' tax because he has bankrupted America) said the record cold in the United States was evidence of global warming. HANG ON, so if temperatures go up it is evidence of global warming and if temperatures go down it is evidence of global warming. Bullshit: they are making it up as they go along.
My favourite news item of January 2014 has been about the Russian ship MV Akademik Shokalskly stranded in ice in the Antarctica sea. What has not been so widely reported (typical of a media largely owned by the same elitists that promote the global warming myth) is that the ship was full of global warming sycophants led by Chris Turney, a professor of climate change (there really is such a thing: amazing what money can buy) at UNSW.
The purpose of the expedition was to retrace the Mawson expedition of 1912 and take duplicate "readings" of that expedition in order to show how much global warming has effected Antarctica in the last century. However, they are comparing data from 100 years ago when there was no sea ice in the same location and they proved the opposite of what they wanted. Absolutely brilliant, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!
The next time people feel warm or hot I suggest they walk outside and take a look at the sky. Yes, there is a bloody great bright hot thing up there. It is a star which we call the sun. It generates heat. Now compare atmospheric CO2 levels and global temperature (no correlation) with solar irradiance and global temperature (a correlation). Not that hard: I suggest UNSW appoint a professor of solar irradiance.
It is high time we move on from the global warming fraud and focus on real problems. The nuclear tragedy at Fukushima, for example, is a genuine global problem that deserves attention and massive resources. The dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean at horrendous levels every single day now constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination. This is the sort of thing that bedwetters need to worry about.
Some good points there about Australian building construction. I'm not sure whether the planet is cooling. It might even be warming a little. But it is not primarily caused by man. And it certainly does not justify a social and taxation reorganization of our society so we are all worse off. Remember, the rich (with their trusts and artificial entities) pay no tax, corporations (with their offshore service companies and tax havens) pay little tax, it is only the rest of us that get slugged.
I remain concerned about the politicisation of science, which is now blatant in our country, and the misdirection of resources. The head in the sand over Fukushima is a disgrace.
Hmmn, I'm pondering whether to tip my toe in the GM debate ...
Posted by: Paul | Saturday, 01 February 2014 at 03:20 PM
no, I am just not convinced by the people who say it is getting colder. That does not accord with my own observations of a number of years here in Canberra.
I think there is evidence that we are seeing warming - of course there are upper and lower bounds of hot events and cold events, storm events and dry events. And whether it is man made is, strictly empirically speaking, not possible to determine with certainty. There are theories and correlations. So the proof (of causation) probably doesn't meet beyond the forensic burden of 'beyond reasonable doubt' but it does seem that the civil case of 'on the balance of probabilities' is a case that deserves a hearing.
Is there politics and dogmatism tied up it? Absolutely. Does that mean we shouldn't still be concerned about the long term effects? I don't think so.
And apart from the CC debate, Australia should have had compulsory passive heating and cooling systems in new and renovated houses, compulsory double glazed windows and proper insulation - all improving efficiency, human comfort and minimising waste. But this country is not into building infrastructure. Especially its super-rich elite class.
I saw a neat map of CO2 output - Australia ia a tiny blackhead. The US is a wopping massive carbuncle. That's where some of the other politics play. Some of those BB corporations Paul is so concerned about in other contexts ... cui bono ? they wouldn't have anything to gain would they?
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Saturday, 01 February 2014 at 01:42 PM
Hmmn. Do I detect the 'fear' that government employ engenders. Surely not. That would prove my point.
Posted by: Paul | Saturday, 01 February 2014 at 11:07 AM
I am not going to get into this one.
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Saturday, 01 February 2014 at 12:13 AM
...That's the way the bedwetters carry on.
Posted by: Paul | Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 11:56 AM
Zombie Apocalypse?
Posted by: PythonMagus | Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 10:30 AM