I am profoundly traumatised, and may not be able to speak for a little while.
My favourite character - Hershel - in my favourite television program - The Walking Dead - has been killed off in the show. I don't watch that many TV dramas because most of them are garbage, but The Walking Dead is exceptionally well done and the most exciting (and nail biting) show on TV. It is difficult to explain why a show about the Zombie apocalypse is so good, other than to say just watch it. Unfortunately it is on FX channel which I think is only on cable.
Hershel was the voice of conscience in the show, and I'm not sure how the scriptwriters will temper the behaviour of the other characters in the future. The dramatic events which saw the demise of Hershel were the mid season finale of season 4 which does not return until February 2014. This will give me time to recover.
... Not if the brain has been shot, or stabbed, or the body was decapitated.
Posted by: Paul | Sunday, 08 December 2013 at 06:38 PM
Presumably if the show is about zombies, he can come back as the undead. Isn't that how it works?
Posted by: PythonMagus | Sunday, 08 December 2013 at 06:32 PM
Zombies - work of the devil!! >:-o
I watch almost no TV now. Mostly because I am doing other things but almost every show has some progressive social agenda in it. Especially one particular agenda.
I miss Morse.
In fact I miss the shows of my youth. The Cisco Kid, the old fashioned Lone Ranger, Texas Rangers, F Troop, The Rat Patrol, Flicka. Simpler times.
Posted by: Thygocanberra | Sunday, 08 December 2013 at 09:44 AM
Poor old Hershel! He was the least deserving of such a fate.
I am not super upset since I called him dying at the beginning of this season. As soon as Bob came into the picture he was no longer the only medic in the group, and Rick had recovered enough from last season that he didn't need Hershel for support any more.
Still very sad though. Poor Beth and Maggie. I wish there was more they could do to avenge him.
Posted by: Jos | Saturday, 07 December 2013 at 11:53 PM