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Thursday, 05 December 2013


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The decline is mult-factorial but the wreckovation of the liturgy is in the mix.
And the constant appeal to 'the springtime of renewal' is as you say 'in denial'. The crash is so complete that in a business the leaders would be tarred, feathered and thrown into the Tiber.
My observation is that the ockerism of Australia has made it especially true here.
I don't know what to make of Pope Francis, especially his never-ending fortune cookie sermons. He is NOT a beacon of clarity.


It doesn't bear thinking about ... the consequences of V2 and SC were so disasterous. The majority of the 'Catholic' world no longer understands the Faith, no longer lives the Faith or even basic moral precepts, and no longer attends Mass every Sunday. It is apostasy. There is but a remnant left. Renewal? Only the exact opposite. Only fools or the truely evil can exist with such a completely obvious global catastophe and act like nothing has happened. My fear is that the current Holy Father is blinded. Total unmitigated disaster.

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