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Saturday, 23 November 2013


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The Australian Incognita article is very good. Yes, they "just don't get it".

The Church needs to send a very strong message to society to regain any kind of moral authority, and this means (1) public punishment of senior Bishops including resignations and sackings; (2) genuine support and compensation for the "whistle blowers", including public re-instatement; (3) genuine support and compensation for the victims; and (4) dramatic public acts of rejection of the perpetrators, such as removal of pervert Priests bodies from Church crypts and cancellation of all financial support (including exclusion from Church residences). Unfortunately there appears to be no appetite for any of these things. There is also no mention of the taboo topic: that most of the perverts were homosexual.

I also have a fear when I hear expressions like "how we push for reform and cultural change" that this evil will be twisted and used to justify ideological agendas including further liberalisation of the Church and further destruction of the Priesthood. It is actually liberalisation of the 1970s and 1980s (including homosexuality in the seminaries and unconventional interaction between religious and laity) that contributed to this crisis, and more of the same is not the answer.

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