Dear Mr PythonMagus and Mr Paul,
It is with some trepidation that I inform you of the actions of all the PRESTAGS units that previously complained (
Unfortunately all of these units have ignored my directives and proceeded to New Zealand on their own account to crash the OSDC. I believe it is the lack of involvement of a class 1 leader that has caused this breakdown in discipline.
The good news is that Septimus Severus has agreed to travel with me, and to restore order as required.
I am confident that with the assistance of Severus, the units will not cause too much trouble and they will be satisfied with appropriate photo opportunities in Auckland.
Severus has landed. However, he has uncovered a subtle but very annoying defect in MA, so he is currently living in the dog house.
Posted by: PythonMagus | Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 01:30 PM