I just want to thank Paul for inviting me to dinner last night.
I also want to thank PythonMagus for letting me travel to New Zealand for the OSDC.
MI22 is ready.
First, Second and Third Platoons, MI 22, preparing for New Zealand:
Reserve Platoon, MI 22, preparing for New Zealand:
Elite Commando Platoon, MI 22, preparing for New Zealand:
(OK, a bit of an exaggeration. This is Elite Commando Platoon as leader MI 22 imagines it to be, after training program).
(No one makes decent uniforms for militia infantry any more).
I'll post a poster from the latest S&T showing modern militia looking very cool. (Actually, they look 500 years old, but they are meant from the modern arab boy with attitude and no military training.)
Posted by: PythonMagus | Monday, 07 October 2013 at 03:19 PM