I have seen this interesting ship near ANZAC bridge the last two mornings I have travelled to work.
It is the Ocean Shield, an Australian navy offshore support vessel that will be used for humanitarian and disaster relief. I like the bright red colour, the helipad mounted high over the front of the ship, and the self sufficient crane.
This ship will be able to undertake patrols in the Southern Ocean providing surveillance, detection and apprehension of any vessels operating illegally. It is also able to operate in sub-Antarctic weather conditions.
The Ocean Shield is the sister ship of the Ocean Protector which is currently operated by Customs and Border Protection. The 6,500 tonne ship is 105m long and 21m wide. It has accommodation for up to 100 people, more than 1000 metres of deck area, and a helipad.
It's cool.
Jordan and I were discussing the ship on the weekend. It looks so top heavy like it would be blown over in high winds. I hadn't noticed the crane. Now I know it is a navy boat I fully approve of the bright colour. (I suspect the only reason Navy ships are generally grey is tradition. In the age of satellite infra-red, radar and ocean buoys, seeing the ship would only happen long after the battle.)
Posted by: PythonMagus | Thursday, 10 October 2013 at 08:25 AM