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Saturday, 07 September 2013


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Given I can only recognise four faces in the gallery, you get 3 out of 4 for them.

I did not think much of either the acceptance speech or the concession speech. Both started well and then wandered into self adulation and party-speak.

Anyway, I am glad to see the end of the election campaigning - we can now focus on the stuff that matters.


It's looking like 7/10 or 8/10 at the moment.

I am pleased that my local member John Murphy has lost Reid. Glad my vote counted. He was a typical useless never seen in the electorate, never enough talent for a ministry, waste of space politician. I never saw him once throughout the last term of Parliament. Worst of all, he paraded as a Catholic but never stood up and took a public stand on key ethical issues, especially in recent times as his party slipped further and further from any adherence to Christian values.

Rudd's concession speach was a perfect reminder of why he lost the election, and his party will now hold 30+ seats less than the government.


You were spectacularly successfule on Slipper and Thompson.
You aren't going to get a perfect 10 though.


Just saw some of Rudd's concession speech. What a narcissistic P****.


Why John Murphy and Mike Kelly?


I think you will get a pass and probably a distinction in this work.


Completely understandable.


I made Philip Nietschke 27 out of 27.

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