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Sunday, 18 August 2013


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Buried not far from my Mum's relatives in Helidon Qld is the grave of Pte Francis Topp who was killed at Long Tan that day.


Yes. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.

I was reading a bit about this battle today. There is a fellow who attends Mass who was in the artillery there. That is what saved the day I think - continous and accuate shelling from Australian, New Zealand and US batteries.

We are lucky generation, not having had to face the prospect of being sent to fight.


I remember as a little boy in USA, one of the distant neighbours was a young man who came back from Vietnam. Lots of us gathered around as he told stories. All I can remember was him singing some soldier songs. And I thought he looked too young to be a soldier.

I am pleased to hear that veterans can now go on tours of Vietnam and meet some of their erstwhile enemies. I believe that would help put doubts to rest that some good has come out of the war.

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