You mean you don't know?!
The answer is of such monumental importance and interest that it will require many, many posts to deal with properly.
Let's just start by explaining the name. PRESTAGS = Pre-Seventeenth Century Tactical Game System. PRESTAGS is in fact five games, and each game covers numerous historical battles.
CHARIOT Tactical Warfare in the Biblical Age, 3000-500BC
The Delta (1675 BC), Babylon (1595 BC), Megiddo (1469 BC), Kadesh (1294 BC), Sinai (c. 1225 BC), Qarqar (854 BC), Tabal (706 BC), Charchemish (608 BC), Thymbra (546 BC), Bubastis (c. 3000), Armageddon (609 BC), Lake Regillus (c. 496 BC), The Aequi (458 BC).
SPARTAN Tactical Warfare in the Hellenistic Age, 500-100BC
Marathon (490 BC), Plataea (479 BC), Corinth (394 BC), Mantinea (362 BC), Chaeronea (338 BC), Granicus (334 BC), Issus (333 BC), Arbela (331 BC), Ipsus (301 BC), Heraclea (280 BC), Asculum (278 BC), Beneventum (275 BC), Cannae (216 BC), Zama (202 BC), Cynoscephelae (197 BC), Magnesia (190 BC), Pydna (168 BC).
LEGION Tactical Warfare in the ROMAN Age, 100BC-700AD
Numidia (106 BC), Vercellae (101 BC), Apulia (71 BC), Cabira (72 BC), The Sambre (57 BC), Carrhae (53 BC), Pharsalus (48 BC), Second Phillippi (42 BC), Teutoburgerwald (9 AD), Minden (16 AD), Boudiccan Revolt (61 AD), Lugdunum (197 AD), Euphrates (261 AD), Placentia (271 AD), Ctesiphon (363 AD), Adrianople (378 AD), Chalons (451 AD), Daras (530 AD), Busta Gallorum (552 AD), Casilinum (554 AD).
VIKING Tactical Warfare in the Dark Ages, 700-1300AD
Qadisiya (637 AD), Tours (732 AD), Constantinople (860 AD), Paris (885 AD), Lourain (891 AD), Hamburg (988 AD), Balthusta (1014 AD), Clontarf (1014 AD), Cannae II (1017 AD), Civitate (1053 AD), Cerami (1063 AD), Stamford Bridge (1066 AD), Hastings (1066 AD), Manzikert (1071 AD), Durazzo (1082 AD), Dorylaeum (1097 AD), Hattin (1187 AD), Liegnitz (1241 AD), El Mansura (1250 AD).
YEOMAN Tactical Warfare in the Renaissance Age, 1250-1550AD
Legnano (29 May 1176 AD), Benevento (26 February 1266 AD), Falkirk (22 July 1298 AD), Courtrai (11 July 1302 AD), Bannockburn (24 June 1314 AD), Crecy (26 August 1346 AD), Agincourt (25 October 1415 AD), Arbedo (30 June 1422 AD), Barnet (1471 AD), Hericourt (1474 AD), Fornovo (1495 AD), Garigliano (29 December 1503 AD), Ravenna IV (11 April 1512 AD), Novara (1513 AD), Biococca (1522 AD), Ceresole (1522 AD), Pavia (21 February 1525 AD).
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet"
(Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet, Act II, Scene II)
As far as wargames go, it does not get any sweeter than PRESTAGS!